
Hero Savings
Savings Hero

Karen is a real patient living with PBA. Image reflects patient’s health status at the time the image was captured.

Save on Your NUEDEXTA Prescription

NUEDEXTA is covered by most insurances, including Medicare and Medicaid. However, there are options that may help make your out-of-pocket costs more affordable. 

If you have private insurance, the NUEDEXTA Co-Pay Savings Card may help you save on your prescription and refills.

With the NUEDEXTA Co-Pay Savings Card, eligible patients
pay as little as

$0 for a 90-day prescription
$20 for a 30-day prescription
$0 for a 90-day prescription and $20 for a 30-day prescription

* Restrictions apply. Eligible patients may pay as little as $0 for a 90-day supply of NUEDEXTA® or $20 for a 30-day supply of NUEDEXTA® with a maximum savings of $1,335 per use and an annual maximum savings of $2,670 per calendar year. Benefit cap applies regardless of co-pay amount.

Looking for Additional Treatment Support?

Otsuka can help. Learn about other treatment support options available to you.

Tell Me More

Jill is a real patient living with PBA. Image reflects patient’s health status at the time the image was captured.

Savings additional support
Savings additional support